(021) 8944 5504 / +62 812 1316 8616
Ruko Symphony HX 1 No.42, Harapan Indah, Bekasi

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Water meter Bestini DN125 – Jual Water meter BESTINI air bersih 5inch – Metaran Air Bestini LXSG – 125E – Distributor Water meter Bestini

Spesifikasi :

Nomina Flow: 100m3/h

Overal length : 250mm

Max.Flow       : 300m3/h

Trans Flow     : 8m3/h

Min.Flow        : 3m3/h

Max.Teprn    ; 50 DerajatC

OP.Praesure Max : 16Bar

Flange Dia    : 290mm

Hubungi :
(021) 8944 5504
HP.+62 812-1316-8616


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Water meter Bestini DN125 – Jual Water meter BESTINI air bersih 5inch – Metaran Air Bestini LXLG – 125E

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